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Your donation will go to help support the kids who participate in the New Mexico Gear Club.

FIRST LEGO League (FLL®) is a robotics program for 9 to 14 year olds, which is designed to get children excited about science and technology — and teach them valuable employment and life skills. The FLL® program features a real-world challenge, to be solved by research, critical thinking and imagination. Each team must perform research and develop an innovative solution to a real-world problem. They also build and program a robot to interact with LEGO models on a themed playing mat. Each year there are dozens of new missions to solve in the timed robot challenge.

Junior FIRST® LEGO® League is focused on building an interest in science and engineering in children ages 6-9. Jr.FLL® is a hands-on program designed to capture young children’s inherent curiosity and direct it toward discovering the possibilities of improving the world around them. Just like FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®), this program features a real-world challenge, to be solved by research, critical thinking and imagination.